by DrewRamsey | Jun 24, 2018 | Blog, Podcast
What role does humor, even outright silliness play in your life? I’m in the midst of many serious projects and I find humor pulls me in deeper. I like plants. And I like word play. So when a request came to from the Party in My Plants Podcast, I was enchanted....
by DrewRamsey | Jun 18, 2018 | Blog
This has been a rough week and heavy with loss for many people. With the deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, we joined the friends, families and communities of the 123 people in the US who die by suicide every day. I talk about suicide a lot, with patients who...
by DrewRamsey | Feb 27, 2018 | Blog
What an exciting week it’s been! Over the past several days, I encouraged folks to take on a personal challenge in their homes, their kitchens and their offices. After all, It’s easy to get excited about changing your diet to improve your mood. It’s a little harder to...
by DrewRamsey | Feb 15, 2018 | Blog
Do you meditate? What comes to mind when you think of meditation? A monk in a beautiful and remote monastery or your ER doc? I’m a fan of both mindfulness and meditation. I’m also concerned about the high rates of burnout we see in health care professionals....
by DrewRamsey | Jan 31, 2018 | Blog
In early 2017, the first-ever randomized controlled clinical trial to test a dietary intervention as a treatment for clinical depression was published. The study was aptly called the SMILES (Supporting Modification of Lifestyle in Lower Emotional States) study. While...
by DrewRamsey | Oct 13, 2016 | Blog
As I speak with more groups, I find myself talking about more and more about connection as a brain function. After all, we say in biology that structure equals function. Meaning that if you look at a cell, its shape/structure tells you about what it does. Your brain...