Writing my blog and working on three books has been such a joy. Writing well is a great challenge and an unexpected skill I developed over the last decade. I’ve work with top editors and publishers and I hope to share some of what I have learned with you. This workshop is lots of fun and I’m really thrilled to teach it again next January 23 with my good friends and mentors Lloyd and Lisa at the New York Academy of Medicine.
Many doctors and clinicians have a great deal to communicate beyond what they write in professional journals. Indeed, most people seek information from the web or other lay sources of information. Yet writing for the public is very different from writing for a professional audience.
Where and how can doctors learn how to write for the public? One way is to join us at this NYAM event:
The Blank Slate Writing Workshop: Even Doctors Can Learn to Write
Due to the overwhelming success of the first Blank Slate Writing Workshop held in January 2015, we are offering this workshop for a second time on Saturday, January 23, 2016 at the New York Academy of Medicine.
This full day workshop will teach short essay and op-ed writing. Participants will write an 800 word essay in the course of the day – aided by continuous individual and group feedback. Throughout the day, they also will learn the principles and practice of scientific, narrative non-fiction writing for the educated reader.
This workshop is designed for mental health, addiction, and neuroscience professionals – including residents, fellows and graduate students, junior and senior clinicians, and scientists – who want to produce brief, written or spoken posts/blogs/articles/reviews for local newsletters and media, regional or state publications, or the national press
WORKSHOP LEADERS ARE: Lloyd Sederer, MD Drew Ramsey, MD Lisa Gornick, PhD